Membership Meeting | Unlocking Key Tax Elections in Estate Planning

Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Kenwood Country Club | 5601 River Road Bethesda, MD 20816
Speaker: David De Jong, Stein Sperling

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About the Program: 
The Internal Revenue Code is replete with tax elections. On the income tax side are decisions such as choice of entity and use of the Section 754 election. In the estate arena are variables such as choice of fiscal year, portability and alternate valuation date. 

About the Speaker:
David De Jong, JD, LLM, is the Chair of Stein Sperling’s nationally regarded tax law group. Raised in Montgomery County, David always intended to practice law in his “home town”. He has been instrumental in maintaining Stein Sperling’s collegial, small-firm feel while helping its tax department grow into a regional powerhouse. Coauthor for 16 years of J.K. Lasser’s book, Year-Round Tax Strategies, David has been quoted frequently in a variety of publications including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He has testified as an expert witness more than 50 times in tax, estate, business valuation and income matters. Trained in collaborative law and mediation, David is available to assist divorcing and other disputing parties in resolution of those differences. David is an integral part of many professional groups including the American Academy of Attorney-CPAs, of which he served as National President and received a prominent award for lifetime service to the organization. The Bar Association of Montgomery County recognized David as an Honorary Life Bar Leader for his many years of committed service. He is an adjunct professor at Washington & Lee University where he teaches an annual two-week intensive course in business transactions.


  • Fees: $45 for active members; $70 for guests. 
  • Registration begins at 12:00 pm. Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm and the program begins at 12:30 p.m.
  • Guests are warmly welcome.
  • Free parking. 

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